Sunday, January 22, 2012

CWS Midterms!

           Friday Jan 20nd, we had the first part of our midterm. Before the start of the Midtem, My RL husband became really ill and I had to log quickly to rush him to the ER. It has been a rough few days helping to take care of him and make sure he is taking his medications. The drastic weather changes took a bad toll on him. Well today Jan 22, while he was laying down to get more rest, I logged on to try and make the rest of my midterm and to explain to the professor what was going on. The professors at CWS are so unbelievably caring, its indescribable. I contacted DebbieDoo to let her know what was going on and she had nothing but kind words to say to me and great concern. :D I have never met such awesome people here in SL. They worked with me as I had to check on my husband every so often to make sure he was ok. I was able to complete my midterm all thanks to these wonderful ladies working for CWS. I just want to thank everyone, the students and the professors at CWs for being so kind and caring to me during this time. :D it REALLY means alot to me!! I LOVE YOU ALL AT CWS!!!!
                                       ALL THE WONDERFUL PROFESSORS AT CWS

DebbieDoo Tigerfish

Laylah Lecker

Tiffani Celesalis

Lissana Rossen and Vicky Yoshikawa

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